
Choosing who to trust to deliver such delicate subjects is hard, find out more about my 'why' and why I might be a fit for you and or your organisation.

Abstract colourful petals

Hi, I’m Marie-Clare and I am a mental health and wellbeing trainer. Whether you are a small local business or a large national organisation, I create tailored training packages to support your organisation’s aims and values.

Marie-Clare sitting crossed legged with blue circle behind
Marie-Clare with petal behind

Companies who want to make a positive contribution to their employees work life balance

I feel very humbled by the work that I do, to normalise what is often difficult to talk about - mental health. I am passionate about sharing my experiences and what I have learned over nearly 20 years and bring focus and positivity to the most challenging of situations. If I think about my 'why', its about starting and holding a conversation, sparking an action in someone, seeing a lightbulb moment in others and helping people to feel less burdened and less isolated when it comes to the impacts of mental ill health, I want to contribute to a culture where no-one feels alone and where there is always, above all else, hope.

I lead with empathy and experience, facilitating safe sessions, that can of course be daunting but step by step we can start to learn in an environment that evokes thought and a sense of togetherness. Training is a huge part of my life and it really is my belonging and my 'place'.

I am positive about change and through educating ourselves we can become much more resilient in our workplace and in our own lives. I want to contribute to ending the stigma around mental health and wellbeing.

Companies who want to make a positive contribution to their employees work life balance

Lack of knowledge is disabling for managers and staff.  My training focuses on teaching people how to start these difficult conversations and give them the tools and techniques to be able to deal with these types of situations.  By embedding mental health into everyday conversations we can overcome barriers in communication and start providing and accessing better support.  With the right support and understanding people can once again live happy and healthy lives – I know it, I’ve seen it, I believe it.

Marie-Clare with petal behind

Our Services

I create bespoke training packages for organisations that are supportive, inclusive and passionate.  If that sounds like you and you want to learn how to start conversations around mental health get in touch and let's talk about how I can help you.

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    Mental Health First Aid England Course

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